Introduction and aims
In preparation

Moncef Benkhalifa
In preparation
Introduction and aims
Clinical embryology is a major pillar of Assisted Reproduction. From the SIG embryology we would like to promote the exchange of knowledge between members facilitating debates. Training of new profesionals will also be an aim for the group as well as helping in the translation from basic science to clinical practice.

Monica Parriego
Welcome SIG Embryology. I am very excited with the new chapter of the society, and together with the committee members we expect to be an active group hopefully becoming a reference point for all clinical embryologists. From the young trainee embryologist to clinical senior embryologíst we hope to meet their demands and concerns offering debates, webinars and talks.
Fertility Preservation
Introduction and aims
Fertility preservation is a field that gained a lot of interest in recent years and is expending as gonadotoxic therapies are nowadays not only administered for cancer but also more and more to treat benign diseases. Members of the committee are all very active and cover both the clinical and research aspects on male and female fertility preservation. Our aims are to promote knowledge on current practice and cutting-edge evolutions, stimulate research collaborations and increase the interest of our members by an exchange of topical ideas though webinars, congress meetings and educational events.

Christine Wyns
I am very happy to announce the launch of the SIG on fertility preservation and eager to welcome ISIVF members to participate to its activities. A talented and voluntary comittee of SIG members is currently working on gathering expectations and developping a programme of activities to improve topical knowledge through congress meetings, webinars, round tables, .. Sharing experience and increasing awareness of unsolved issues seems to me the best way to identify new perpsectives and promote progress in the field. The SIG team encourages and welcomes all ISIVF members to communicate their expectations and suggestions to make this SIG a highly collaborative tool in the field.
Committee members
- Claus Y Andersen
- Rives Nathalie
- Demeestere Isabelle
- Barraud Lange Virginie
- Jan-Bernd Stukenborg
Reproductive Genetics
Introduction and aims
In preparation

Enter the name
In preparation
Endometrium and RIF
Introduction and aims
Endometrial receptivity is the key for successful ART. The main objective of our SIG is to disseminate current scientific knowledge upon endometrial physiology and pathophysiology of RIF. This task is to be carried out through the organization of several kinds of scientific events including but not restricted to scientific meetings, seminars and mini-publications of current evidence via the society’s website. A further effort will be made to organize a training syllabus with subjects adhered to endometrial receptivity and RIF pathophysiology, along with evidence-base evaluation of emerging therapeutic approaches.Finally, the group shall attempt to establish functional communication with other scientific communities in the field to increase the society’s recognizability.

Antonis Makrigiannakis
Welcome to the Special Interest Group upon Endometrium and Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF), of the International Society of IVF. Our committee is dedicated in promoting both basic science and clinical research, bringing together people from around the globe, in the aim of sharing experience and new ideas in the field. We expect a constant feedback not only from all ISIVF members but also from everyone interested in endometrial physiology and RIF. We look forward to meeting you all in our forthcoming scientific meetings.
Committee members
- Tanya Motrenko
- Udo Jeschke
- Bettina Toth
- Sophia Kalantaridou
- Yuri Knez
- Luca Sabatini
- Hassan Sallam
- Thomas Vrekoussis
- Fanourios Makrygiannakis
- Aikaterini Berdiaki
Reproductive Surgery
Introduction and aims
"The SIG of Reproductive Surgery plays a pivotal role in the success of ARTs. The primary aim of RS is to assist infertility patients to achieve a spontaneous pregnancy and provide the best conditions for a term vaginal delivery. The International Society of IVF, SIG RS focus on delivering an easy and effective way of a continuous training and educational program, facilitating the daily practice of gynaecologists involved in female infertility management. Webinars, articles, operation videos, expert reports, and workshops are organized and delivered so both novice and experience doctors can be benefited. "

Vasilios Tanos
Reproductive Surgery group by the IS-IVF is looking forward to wellcome young gynecologists interested to gain knowledge on RS and enjoy sharing it. We focus on MIGS, we demonstrate treatments according to international guidlines and propose surgical management options following experts opinion on controversial issues.
Deputy: Recai Pabucu
Junior Deputy: Soterios Saravellos
Committee members
- Branka Zegura
- Giuseppe Bigatti
- Gamze Caglar
- Razvan Sokolov
- Minas Paschopoulos
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Introduction and aims
Reproductive endocrinology and infertility is a very large part of the activities of the ISIVF and it is fitting that we have a very strong team, all well-known names, in our Our aim is to promote knowledge of clinical and scientific progress in the field and stimulate the interest of our members by an exchange of topical ideas though webinars, congress sessions and educational meetings.

Roy Homburg
Welcome to a newly flourishing SIG Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, ISIVF. With the help of a willing and talented committee, we will present a programme of talks, discussions and debates based on topical and unsolved issues. This I feel is the best way to update and promote our knowledge while introducing some novel ideas. We will be open to and will welcome suggestions from our members.
William Ledger
Junior Deputy
Sesh Sunkara
Committee members
- Peter Humaidan
- Antonio LaMarca
- Antony Rutherford
Reproduction in Society
Introduction and aims
In preparation

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In preparation